Join us at the Hi-Desert Nature Museum for a free presentation on the “How to Hug a Cactus: Embracing the Cacti and Succulents of the Morongo Basin,” presented by Robin Kobaly.
You will be amazed to discover all the intricate behaviors that our region’s cacti and
succulents perform every day and night to survive our extreme desert conditions. Robin
will share a fascinating look at little known and mysterious facts about our cacti and
succulents that she has gleaned from her own experiences during her lifelong career as a
botanist, wildlife biologist, and interpretive specialist.
Robin will discuss why some cacti and succulents lean south, why they sleep all day and
work all night, how spines are more than just a protection from being eaten, why they
grow short-lived rain-roots immediately after a rain, and how to estimate the ages of
succulents that have no annual growth rings to count their years of growth. She will
describe why all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti, and share stories of
animal use and dependence on our cacti and succulents. You may never view our Basin’s
cacti and succulents the same way…as just quiet sentinels minding their own business in
their little patch of desert.
The lecture will take place in our Natural History Room and begins promptly at 2:00 p.m.
There is no charge to attend, but donations are greatly appreciated!